Hi — A while ago I told you about how we had Mom stop taking Statins and how some of her most distressing symptoms disappeared - extreme anxiety, lethargy, and memory loss (official memory tests showed improvement over six months)
We couldn’t get the doctor to take statins off her script with her blood pressure meds. Yet she remembered not to take it! As I had asked.
Then one day when visiting, I noticed that Mom had weeks worth of blood pressure meds in her cupboard. I was devastated. My thought was that Mom was now forgetting to take her meds altogether.
However, some months on, it is evident that Mom is still improving. She is losing excess weight, she is happier and joining in Bingo evenings. Visiting her is not the scary experience it used to be.
Yes, she still asks me over and over what I want for lunch. But, in retrospect, she has always been that way - a worry wort about feeding guests.
It is hard to change her lifetime habit of a sweet tooth. She actually would boast about it and put her sweet treats through the checkout first as most important.
My siblings and I try to encourage her to the healthier habits like:
getting out into the fresh air and sunshine
moving more
eating more green veg
fellowshipping with others
If you also have a loved one showing signs of memory decline then I have good news. Today’s gift:
>> 7 Easy Steps to Prevent Alzheimer’s
This short 15-minute video outlines 7 easy steps you can take to protect brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
You’ll unlock this gift when you register for the free online summit:
>> The Truth About Alzheimer’s
Your hosts, Dr. Robert Love and Dr. Josh Helman, have both witnessed members of their families suffer with declining memory and Alzheimer’s disease, so they have committed their life’s work to helping others reduce their risk for Alzheimer’s disease, prevent memory loss, increase their learning capacity and improve quality of life.
Now they’re here to share their wisdom and experience to help us protect our brains and live happier, healthier lives!
Healing ourselves, healing the world :)
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. click this link if you'd like to register now for Free access, and download your gifts:
>> The Truth About Alzheimer’s
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