Hi — A big Yorkshireman in England introduced me to dowsing many moons ago when I was a WWOOFer. We were about to eat and he rose from the table to dowse his food to check its energy. I was so fascinated that I jumped up too. I tried to copy him.
He told me that I didn’t know what I was doing and to wait till the morrow and he would teach me a thing or two. Maybe those weren’t his exact words.
Bill gave me several crystals and pendants to try. The item that worked best for me was a chipped seashell on a piece of jute. (I still have it) He remarked that I was obviously a lover of the ocean. I am.
Starting this Monday you can catch the Free online video series:
Renowned Feng Shui master Marie Diamond will demonstrate how to use dowsing rods to solve problems and create health, well-being, and prosperity.
You will learn from Marie:
The causes of energy disturbances in your own environment.
How to use dowsing rods to detect energy disturbances, including geopathic stress and various energy lines, zones, and vortexes.
How to cure energy disturbances and enhance positive energy fields.
How to determine the level of energy in any room, home, or building (and even of foods and products), and how to increase that energy level.
How to access a higher energy field to clear and protect your personal energy and enhance your dowsing abilities.
How to create a vibrant environment by releasing stuck energy.
We get the rare opportunity to learn how to dowse in this 6-day event. It begins on Monday, August 14.
>> Click here if you'd like to own the proceedings at a discount.
Healing ourselves, healing the world...
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. Click this link if you’d like to fix problems that might be showing in your life and take advantage of naturally occurring positive energy vortexes:
Our mission is to help each person to heal. Investing in the expert lessons helps us to reach more people.
>> Click here if you'd like to own the proceedings at a discount
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