Hi….my name is Merryl and I’m a mother and grandmother who wants everyone to know the energetic wonder of eating living foods.
Autoimmunity isn’t a life sentence… Here’s the proof.
Autoimmune diseases are now affecting 1 out of 5 people in America.
With some conditions increasing in prevalence by as much as 12% per year...
Those numbers should ring the alarm, but the true warning signs are sent by our bodies.
About fifteen years ago I started having days when I woke up feeling inflamed from head to toe. I was unable to function and would just stay in bed. The lack of eating and drinking that day more than the bed rest probably accounted for my being able to get up and feel “normal” the next day.
It started happening about once a month. But for some years before that I had been suffering with colitis. Not suffering… just experiencing… and thinking it normal.
Fortunately, I don’t pop to the doctor readily. I didn’t compound the issues with meds.
The joint pain, stiffness, brain fog, fatigue and allergies… And finally the digestive issues combined with mood swings and inflammation.
For way too long, the world of conventional medicine tried to tell us that these mysterious symptoms are “normal” or “genetic.”
At first, they may only appear once every few weeks… But then?
These immune-related problems take over our life, leading to endless appointments, multiple medications and a lifelong struggle with self-sabotage.
Is this what our Western society is destined for?
According to 30 leading functional medicine doctors, no autoimmune disease happens without a reason.
Which means that if we can discover the underlying trigger of autoimmunity, we can also fix it at the root cause – allowing our bodies to naturally heal and reverse the damage.
Luckily for me, Val ran a class on the raw vegan lifestyle about that time. Also, luckily for me, I have the right friends. Sue heard about the class and invited me to attend with her.
Two weeks into the course I went cold-turkey on processed food. And never again experienced days in bed feeling inflamed. Colitis left by the back door ;-) and low blood sugar became history. My sleep was deep and delightfully restoring. My energy levels skyrocketed and I became a runner at almost fifty years of age.
My diet is now plant based and high raw. My 30 billion cells still do a jive when I drink a green smoothie. I’m convinced that green leaves are hugely important to living happy and healthy. Leaves need to be a daily part of diet.
See the post script for a link to the 18 most nutritious greens and what they can help you with. It will also register you for a free 10 part docuseries on autoimmunity and how to become UNBROKEN!
Healing ourselves, healing the world :)
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. Here’s what you will discover in this free report…
One serving of this prehistoric green delivers 1045% of your daily vitamin K, which improves blood clotting and bone health.
A microgreen that contains up to 4000% more nutrients than mature greens
A Japanese veggie that’s been used for centuries to significantly improve digestion – you can take it to lower the blood sugar spike after a meal
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