Hi — A lot of people are waking up to the new environmental threats we’re facing in 2024:
Mold toxins.
Chemicals in food, tap water or in the air we breathe.
Dangerous plastics or heavy metals in our cosmetics.
But a different, fast-increasing source of environmental pollution is hiding in plain sight:
The millions of cellphone towers that are being installed around the world, closer and closer to where people sleep or work.
“Experts” continue repeating that these electromagnetic exposures are “perfectly safe”. But can we really trust them?
In 2022, researcher Alfonso Balmori(1), reviewed all of the available studies on cell phone towers and health. What did he find?
75% of all studies concluded that cell towers have a negative effect on human health, including an increase in cancer, a negative effect on blood sugar regulation, and an increase in DNA damage. 🧬
They also found an increase in “radiofrequency sickness” (also called “electro-sensitivity"), a condition which includes symptoms of:
sleep disturbance,
memory loss,
appetite loss,
difficulty in concentration and dizziness.
These effects got worse when people lived closer than 500 meters (1,500 ft.) from cell towers. The problem? Most people who live in cities already live this close to MULTIPLE cell towers.
If you’re concerned about the health impacts of this radiation, please tune in for the upcoming:
>> 2024 EMF Hazards,
Hosted by citizen journalist Nick Pineault, AKA “The EMF Guy”.
Nick interviewed 20 of the world’s independent experts on this controversial but critically important environmental threat.
The situation might seem overwhelming, but there’s hope. During the summit, you’ll learn clear action steps you can take to:
Minimize your EMF exposure from everyday sources, including cell towers
Recognize the top 10 symptoms of “electro-sensitivity” in yourself or a family member
Start recovering from this radiation-induced sickness using the latest advice from top environmental medicine doctors like Dr. Neil Nathan & Dr. Eric Gordon
Strengthen your internal “defenses” against these EMFs and lift your brain fog
Learn the latest science on this topic and feel confident to talk about these dangers to your family, or to your community
Healing ourselves, healing the world...
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. Learn The Truth About Electro-Sensitivity & Clear Action Steps To Minimize Your Exposure…
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