Hi — Astrology is about how the energy of the galaxy affects our lives.
And because the planets and stars move through the galaxy in cycles, we can see how the energy affects us at any given point in our lives.
You can find out why you are the way you are.
Why things happened the way they happened.
Why you attracted certain people, situations, success, and challenges.
Understanding more about astrology gives you keen insight on what you can do to make everything better. You can see that everything will be all right…even with today’s abundance of challenges. Introducing the Free:
The content of this breakthrough program is simply not available elsewhere. You will not find it in a book or free on the internet. It has been created by celebrated master astrologer Debbie Frank for those of us who value personal transformation, are open to the greater possibilities of life, and know there is more going on around us than meets the eye.
When you get your Free Pass, you will receive instructions for your “birth chart.” Here’s what it looks like:
By looking at your “chart,” which is based on your date of birth, city of birth, and time of birth (if you know it), you will learn to clearly see how you might be a square peg in a round hole. Or, you are truly aligned with your energy field and living your purpose.
If you have resistance and setbacks in your life, you may be more of a square peg. Either way, the Enlightened Astrology Fest gives you clarity on how to enhance it or cure it.
It helps you with questions such as:
How should I be living my life?
What should I be aiming for?
What kind of person brings out the best in me?
How do I discover my unique super powers?
It also helps you get what you want from other people by helping you with questions such as:
How can I approach this particular person?
Why doesn’t he understand what I’m saying?
How can I put this across so that she gets it?
Why do we fight so much?
This is Next Gen astrology revealing your super powers that may be hidden right now. Debbie’s unique form of psychological, spiritual, and healing wisdom has evolved from decades of training, client work, writing, and teaching.
Debbie modernized this ancient wisdom so it is practical and relevant for our modern society, your unique needs, and your personal evolution.
Here’s an overview of how it flows…
This 20-session program was originally presented as a video webinar in five phases, each with four sessions.
All 20 sessions will be streamed during the Enlightened Astrology Fest.
Phase 1
Discover the Four Corners of Your Destiny
Session 1 - True North — Sun
Session 2 - Soul Power— Moon
Session 3 - What are you broadcasting?
Session 4 - Ultimate Wellness— Elements
Phase 2
Make Your “Soul Contracts” Work
Session 5 – Your Love Vibration
Session 6 – Making Things Happen
Session 7 – Get Un-stuck
Session 8 – Balance Your Karma
Phase 3
Transform Conflicts into Collaboration
Session 9 – Challenges
Session 10 – Live the Unlived Life
Session 11 – Live the Dream in the ‘Real’ World
Session 12 – Find Gold in the Dark
Phase 4
The Law of Attraction
Session 13 – Open Up to Abundance
Session 14 – When Karma Strikes
Session 15 – Who Are You Attracting?
Session 16 – Open Up Your Comfort Zone
Phase 5
Written in the Stars
Session 17 – Fate versus Destiny
Session 18 – Quantum Leap
Session 19 – The Message of the Universe
Session 20 – Shine Your Star Signature
The synergy between the Law of Attraction & Astrology
Since astrology lets you see the energetic influences coming toward you at any given time, it is in your best interest to look for opportunities aligned with those influences.
Those opportunities are going to be easier to bring to fruition. That’s the like-attracts-like nature of the Law of Attraction.
In the Enlightened Astrology training, you learn how to use those energetic influences to create your future. Actually, because you are working in concert with the energies of the universe, you are really co-creating your future.
What will you discover about yourself when Debbie guides you through your chart?!
It holds the potential to change – and enhance – every aspect of your life.
You will learn so much about yourself. Why you are the way you are. Where your strengths and super powers lie (maybe even hide). What you can do to make your life even better.
You will learn how to get others to do what you want. It’s not about manipulating others, but interacting with others so that your life flows as you achieve your goals, intentions, and aspirations.
You will learn where resistance in your life comes from and what you can do to move through it.
You will learn how to supercharge the Law of Attraction. The energetic influences are there, so you might as well co-create the life you want with them.
You will get the keys to understanding exactly who you are, what you are here to learn, and how you can live your best life, no matter how many changes are thrown in front of you.
You get to use the course free for five days.
Here's how it works:
Every day for five days you'll have access to the 20 video sessions from the course.
Begin with Session 20. That’s right! Go right to the end and watch that session. Debbie does an amazing review of the course that will make going through the rest of the course so much easier.
You can do it on your own time and schedule. Watch them all at once (it's binge-watching!) or go for one whenever you find it convenient. All of the sessions are available beginning at 10:00 a.m. U.S. Central time on Monday morning February 12. You can listen anytime up until 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning, February 17.
It is our gift to you!
Healing ourselves, healing the world :)
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. There is no commitment on your part. Come and do the
and get keys to understanding who you are, what you are here to learn, and how you can live your best life, no matter how many changes are thrown in front of you.
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