I struggled with fasting so much in my early health walk. I’d be so sick and nauseous after only 16 hours without food. It was laughable but quite sad to realise how full of toxins I was. The only way I could start eating again would be to take small nibbles of grated apple.
Airing all next week from Monday, we'll be able to watch the Free online summit:
>> The Fasting Lifestyle Summit
...Learn the essentials of good nutrition & the healthy facets of fasting.
When you register for next week's Summit, you receive these gifts:
* Simple, Easy Nutritious Recipes eBook
* Tips and Tricks to Fuel Performance eBook
You will learn from the Expert speakers that smartly incorporating a fasting lifestyle can help with:
Weight loss
Lower cholesterol
Reduced inflammation
Reduced insulin resistance
Lower blood pressure
Improved brain functions
Better heart health
Protection from cancer
Living longer
Improved sleep
Each episode is Free to watch for 24 hours, or you can order all expert talks at half-price right now.
>> Click here if you'd like to own the proceedings at 50% Discount
Healing ourselves, healing the world...
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. click this link if you'd like to catch the Experts next week at no charge, and download your gifts:
>> The Fasting Lifestyle Summit
Our mission is to help each person to heal. Investing in the expert talks helps us to reach more people.
>> Click here if you'd like to own the proceedings at 50% Discount
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