My parents and I took shifts all through the night, to cold sponge my little sister who had a burning fever when she was ten years old. She had scared us as a baby when she had convulsed as a fever had spiked.
Luckily Dad had not taken his eyes off her since returning from work. Luckily we lived next door to a nursing sister who kept her alive on the way to the hospital. She was dunked into ice water at the hospital.
When I became a mother I had the most amazing doctor who taught me that a fever was the body’s way to fight disease. The raised temperature was the optimal working condition for this war going on within. Definitely keep a check that it doesn’t spike!
How easy it is these days, to reach for fever busting meds. A constant vigil and a cold facecloth on the forehead should be the first approach in a normally healthy child or adult.
My family doctor was not shy to tell me to use a tissue and steam the room up to clear a baby’s congested nose. I’ve learned the value of acupressure points on the face or simply to massage in circles over all the sinuses of the skull.
Upper respiratory remedies were the top selling OTC drugs in the USA in 2018 clocking revenues of $8799 million “dollar bucks” as my grandchildren would say.
The next top-selling one is for pain and fever. Overuse of which can cause liver toxicity. I replaced my headache powders with Schuessler Tissue Salts some years ago.
Number three on the list of top-selling OTC drugs were the heartburn remedies. Immediately I think of the lady who swears that a drop of peppermint essential oil on her thumb and held to the roof of her mouth alleviates her symptoms in minutes. (It must be certified food grade)
Peppermint is great for headaches and nausea too. Whereas, many a time, Lavender essential oil has calmed a grumbly tummy and helped me sleep. I have a whole selection of organic essential oils that fit perfectly into an old cassette tape case. It has a special custom made shelf in my camper van.
The remainder of my home remedies fit into an old square cookie tin that has place for a tiny padlock. It contains my few most used Tissue Salts, ten common homeopathic remedies, a sachet of Re-hydrate, activated charcoal, dried aloe vera (amazing for mouth ulcers and digestive issues), olive leaf tablets and Echinacea. One item that doesn’t fit into the tin but resides in my kitchen basket, is raw, organic, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar which can solve a multitude of issues.
Even backpain sometimes has the simplest cure. My chiropractor shared with me something he learnt from reading the old masters’ books during the quiet period of the recent pandemic. My pain was cased by Internal Disc Disruption and the cure was to walk (10 000 steps a day preferably), lie flat, or lean on a counter - but never to sit for extended periods. The healing has been amazing.
Live well and find the happy,
Merryl @
P.S. The power of essential oils to support the brain and create healing within the body is something I fall back on often. Jodi Cohen gives a five step plan in her popular book Essential Oils to Boost the Brain & Heal the Body.
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