Hi — I used to call my new home from home Squelchy Welshy Wet Wales. Until this past month when I started to notice the beautiful rainbows at every turn of the road.
My new mantra is: Focus on the rainbows not the rain!
Sometimes it’s not easy to do that. I am tired being constantly on the move from one home to the next for my job and then when I have a break from the joyful job I travel to family or family of friends. I try to follow the four day rule - never stay with family for more than four days.
It means I am constantly travelling on unknown roads, sleeping in different beds (Hwyl, my campervan is too chilly at night now), preparing food in strange kitchens and finding new places to secure my living foods.
Often I am in awe of how I have learned to cope with constant change, travel and the stress they bring. Occasionally, I am tired and feel sorry for myself and long to grow roots again. (Usually when my tummy hasn’t seen enough living foods)
Then the universe sends me a message loud and clear. Something that turns my thinking upside down and gives me a grateful heart. A fascinating brain study did just that.
In 2006, researchers from University College London compiled brain images from London taxi and bus drivers, all of whom had similar experiences and jobs and lived in the same region.
In general, the taxi drivers had more stressful jobs, and the bus drivers had more stability and job security.
But do you know who had the best brain health?
The taxi drivers!
Why? According to leading-edge neurologists Drs Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, it’s because the brain loves (and needs) complexity.
They’ll tell you all about the study and what it means as part of breakthrough #3 in the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass. Want to find out about all 10 critical brain breakthroughs that you need to know about if you want to prevent Alzheimer’s and optimize your brain health?
Good news. You can catch this masterclass on Brain Breakthroughs free this week:
>> Brain Breakthrough Masterclass
Drs Dean and Ayesha Sherzai are two of the world’s top neurologists.
They left a lucrative career in pharmaceutical research because they wanted to find the real cure for the Alzheimer’s tsunami.
They found it. And it wasn’t some fancy new billion-dollar drug.
Dean and Ayesha’s research has shown that it’s possible to prevent up to 90% of Alzheimer’s cases — with specific diet and lifestyle habits.
In the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass, you’ll discover the most significant lifestyle factors when it comes to preserving memories, as well as:
A single vegetable that could halt mental decline by 11 years
The inexpensive superfood that can add up to 7 ½ years of healthy brain function
The one proven diet plan that can slash Alzheimer’s risk by 53%
A remarkably simple daily activity that can reduce dementia risk by 40%
The ultimate “brain spa” that doesn’t cost a penny, doesn’t require you to go anywhere and keeps memories from being permanently deleted
These breakthroughs are all natural and quick, and some of them will leave a giant smile on your face.
Healing ourselves, healing the world...
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. Many people experience more mental sharpness and productivity as soon as they start using the specific sleep, exercise, and food recommendations that these neurologists are introducing. Click the link below to watch this now:
>> Brain Breakthrough Masterclass
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