Manifestation Mindfest -- starts Monday 9/11
Learn about The forgotten “elements” to goal achievement
Hi — Up until about 100 years ago the “4 Elements” was the path to Heaven on Earth & Creating the Life You Want… But then something happened…starting this Monday you can catch the Free:
Let me tell you a story going back thousands of years about the four elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
Not the actual fire or air, or a bucket of water, or a pile of rocks, but their energetic counterparts that are the building blocks of the universe.
Why should you be interested? Because they make up a little-known secret to manifestation. In other words, to create what you want in your life.
For millennia this was understood by only a small number of people such as Feng Shui Masters, Shamans, Kahunas, Healers, Monks, Saints, Hermetic Teachers, and Mystics.
They used it for everything from healing to manifestation... emotional balance to spiritual practice... and alchemy to divination.
The rest of the population could make no sense of it. So sad for them.
Less masterful teachers would teach watered-down manifestation using only thoughts and emotions and this eventually evolved into the Law of Attraction formula of ask, believe, receive as taught by The Master Teacher, Jesus Christ.
You most likely know the Law of Attraction is powerful.
It is most powerful when you, yourself, are able to match the vibration of what you want to create.
But how?!
An effective way may just be through the long-forgotten Four Elements.
Learning Strategies along with teacher and mentor Brian Osborne worked diligently to simplify and systematize the esoteric Four Elements knowledge.
They are now able to introduce you to a phenomenal understanding and day-to-day practical application of the Four Elements so you can:
Use the “forgotten” energetic components of the universe to manifest in
any area of your life
Like what?
How about:
Something physical like a car or a home.
Experiences such as vacations or family connection.
Peak performance at work or with an important project.
Exceptional health, well-being, and balanced emotions.
Deeper spiritual connection, a true Heaven on Earth.
Get your Free Pass to the
In addition to a series of audio teaching sessions with your mentor Brian Osborne, you will use a variety of mental and energetic tools, which could very well become your favourite.
If you are a good manifester today, your ability can rise steeply when you apply the knowledge of these elemental energies.
Turn thoughts into physical reality
The Four Elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth are energetic constructs. You cannot see or touch them, because they are energy.
But, there is also the physical Fire, Air, Water, and Earth that exist every day in nature. You can sense them using touch, sight, smell, and sound. They are real.
During the Manifestation Mindfest, you have the opportunity to take something energetic (the thought of your goal or intention) and turn it into something physical so it comes alive in your life. …through the Four Elements that operate on both planes of existence.
Very few people on this planet have any idea how this works, and how you begin using these amazing processes.
Using the Four Elements
When something isn’t working in your life, you have roadblocks and obstacles that reduce your ability to manifest.
Your capability to manifest is ALWAYS there, but you are not able to reliably use it when you are not in the energetic flow of the Four Elements.
Let me give you a slight taste:
Use Fire for inspiration and initiation.
Then move into that realm of the mental, of Air, to use your mind for clarifying and intensifying your desire.
Then with Water you’re bringing in the intense emotional and feeling aspect.
And then bring it into physical existence of Earth.
Furthermore, each element is an aspect of Infinite Intelligence, or the Vital Energy, or Life Force of the Universe. The more balanced the Four Elements are within you, the greater your access to this vital energy to shape every aspect of your life including your success, your health, your relationships, and your spiritual growth.
You’ll go through Brian Osborne's course called Four Elements Manifestation
In Phase 1, “Where Are You Now?,” you will lay a strong foundation for your work with the elements. You will take stock of where you are in your life, and you will determine exactly what you want to manifest, and most importantly, why.
Phase 2, “Activating the Elements,” will provide an immersive experience with Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
Phase 3, “Manifesting with the Elements,” will help you deal with challenges that show up between you and your wish fulfilled. And you will finish this phase with the most amazing two meditations of the program.
It is an amazing journey you’ll be on, one you will remember the rest of your life.
Healing ourselves, healing the world...
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @
P.S. Get ready for an eye-opening experience of manifestation. Register here today.
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