Hi — If you’ve been addressing the root cause of your unrelenting symptoms, conditions, or disease but you still haven’t been able to get your health back, you may have been missing something BIG!
You see, Dr. V and her team have been collecting data from clients all over the world, and this data shows that there is ALWAYS more than one root cause behind why you have become sick and are unable to get your health back.
The most common root causes that most people have been learning about include mold toxins, environmental toxins, foods, and even prescription medications…
But the ONE BIG THING that most people don’t know about is actually one of the biggest root causes of why people stay sick and unable to heal...
Unresolved Trauma
You see, unresolved trauma creates a knot of unwanted and highly charged “negative” emotions.
These emotions coupled with the memory of the traumatic event then create altered perspectives of how you see yourself and the world around you…
These memories, emotions, and belief systems that form as a result of the unresolved trauma get stuck in your cells, tissues, and organs – ultimately leading to a host of symptoms, conditions, and various diseases.
In fact, Harvard Medical School reports that past trauma, no matter how severe, is directly linked to chronic health conditions like:
Mind Racing
Chronic fatigue
Cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and stroke)
Autoimmune diseases
Memory loss
Neurodegenerative disease
Liver and Kidney disease
Hair loss
Sleepless nights
And much more…
What’s even worse is that your risk for mental and physical health problems increases dramatically the more traumatic events you've experienced.
Events like a troubled childhood, personal or financial loss, emotional or physical abuse, an accident, regret, fear, and yes, even a pandemic…
The traumatic experiences we go through in life often leave us feeling sick, tired, and unable to fully feel joy.
Luckily there is a way out!
Join my friend Dr. Elena Villanueva for her:
>> Mastering Trauma Masterclass
...as she shows you the science behind what happens in your body and brain when trauma and emotions go unresolved.
When you register for next week's Summit, you receive these gifts:
Learn from Dr. V as she guides you LIVE through the process of how you can uncover and address this most overlooked root cause of chronic disease and mental illness.
This special Masterclass will give you everything you need to pinpoint trauma-related symptoms and conditions so they don't have control over your future health or happiness.
Healing ourselves, healing the world...
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. We’ve seen Dr. Villanueva and her team put on exceptional classes in the past, some of which cost hundreds of dollars to attend, but today she has made her Trauma Masterclass available at no cost to you.
Click this link if you'd like to catch the Experts next week at no charge, and download your gifts:
>> Mastering Trauma Masterclass
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