Hi — In a recent interview with one of our highly renown Doctors, Dr. Bryan Ardis, he said…
50% of all cancerous tumors that he saw in his practice were actually PARASITE egg sacks.
That’s absolutely alarming!
You might think that you know all the facts about this dreaded disease… Cancer.
But low and behold…
There could be a whole other world at play, hidden beneath the surface and masked as “Cancer”...
How many people do you know that are currently suffering from the life-altering effects of chemo and radiation… and possibly even surgery?
Big Media is selling us a story of what’s behind the Big C…
But what if it’s something ENTIRELY different?
Dr. Thomas Lewis shared his insights with us on how diseases can be linked…
“Well, I think some of the major myths are that diseases aren't interconnected…
And you'll see that when we look at biomarkers for cancer, for metabolic diseases, for Alzheimer's, for heart disease, they all overlap.
We have a very basic but robust immune system, and it responds very well to almost anything we can throw at it. And when our immune system gets compromised for a variety of reasons, the industrialized corporate diet, lack of exercise, sunshine, that's when things can matriculate.”
You see the scans show cancer as a tumorous mass… but what’s the ROOT CAUSE of that mass?
“If we look at the tumor as the disease, then we have a big problem.
And most people don't survive. Chemotherapy has a 1% success rate whether they will advertise that or not. So the tumor is not the disease.
There's something, an antecedent that's leading to the tumor. And as the tumor is proliferating, that same process that promoted the tumor is still ongoing. So what is that?”
By uncovering what’s actually behind Cancer…
You could help your body to truly heal and recover in the most natural way possible.
In my good friend, humanitarian and investigative researcher, Jonathan Otto’s brand new eBook…
>>Metabolic or Epigenetic? Unveiling the True Culprit Behind Cancer
He covers everything you need to know about what’s behind cancer and how you can set up your body for optimal health!
Inside this value-packed eBook, you will:
Learn everything you need to know about bulletproofing your health.
Uncover how to address the root causes of diseases and how you can naturally address them.
Find out how to truly break f.ree from the chains holding your health and finances back.
Discover the best way to start building your finances in the smartest way possible for total financial freedom!
And the BEST part is…
When you download this amazing eBook, you´ll also be invited to join Jonathan’s incredible LIVE challenge with Shanda Sumpter…
>> Undefeated: Beat Cancer & Chronic Disease While Winning Financial Freedom Challenge
…It is possible to become financially free while improving your health!
Don’t let your health deteriorate before your eyes…
Healing ourselves, healing the world :)
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. click this link if you'd like to register now for Free access, and download your gift:
>> Undefeated: Beat Cancer & Chronic Disease While Winning Financial Freedom Challenge
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