What is the source of our slavery? It's our addiction to using fiat money, our national currency issued by the banksters.
In the same way the source of our pain is our addiction to eating, drinking, and injecting gunk from the Poison Cartel.
The longer we've been addicted, the harder it is to break free.
Yet by Grace we humans are born to be Free. Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
The way is blockchain technology. It empowers us to issue our own interest-free money. Build a business with it and shop with it. Today.
A step-by-step guide on how to use blockchain money is the focus of a new book by Val Archer, author of GreenSmoothie.com:
❤ How to ESCAPE INFLATION: Protect Your Savings and Your Business from a Bank Crash
You will learn:
How to open a savings account on the blockchain,
How to shop with gold using the blockchain,
How to earn extra income on the blockchain, and shop with it today (it converts into vouchers in 160 countries, right in your phone),
How to earn tips on your website using the blockchain,
How to finance your business with blockchain tokens instead of a bank loan,
How to network with other businesses and issue your own money,
How to invest in blockchain apps and enterprises,
How to privately send money and messages on the blockchain-based Internet,
How to protect your business from cyberattack with blockchain software that detects a break-in within seconds,
How to use blockchain for fraud-free invoicing,
How to find a secure local community bank, with checklist, and
How to join the public banking movement.
The book's focus is step-by-step guidance. It's a HOW-TO, not a what-to. We all know WHAT to do — quit eating junk food, avoid CBDC — but do we know HOW to do it?
We are fully aware that individually we must take charge of our health. No one else can eat for us.
Yet do we realize that our addiction to unhealthy money is something only each of us alone can overcome? Then, as in 12-step groups, help others to beat their addiction.
Fast food, factory food is easy. Yet real food comes from a field. Today's technology empowers us to order from organic regenerative farmers online. They deliver direct to our door.
Ditto for money. Bankster slave money is easy. Yet today's technology makes it possible to choose which money we use.
For 300 years, central and commercial banks have issued the money. Every year they concentrate more and more power, property and wealth into fewer and fewer hands.
When we look at the world's problems — poverty, species extinction, Big Pharma medicalizing every child from birth... poisoned food, air, water and soils, the wrecking of our constitutional rights...
Behind it all is the money system. Money is power. Our own legal money gives us the power.
This is what 300 years of slavery looks like:
Leg irons shackle our two ankles, on the left ankle is INFLATION, on the right is DEBT.
Each ankle is chained to:
Iron handcuffs gripping our two wrists, on the left wrist is BIG AG/FOOD, on the right is BIG PHARMA, destroying our health.
Each wrist is chained to:
An iron neck halter of TAXATION.
Now meekly we await our Scold's Bridle of CBDC (central bank digital currency). This helmet is fitted with an iron curb studded with spikes, that projects into our mouth and rests on our tongue, to prevent us from speaking.

Many of us have broken free of the handcuffs. We choose not to swallow Big Food and Big Pharma. But how do we unshackle the leg irons and neck halter? And avoid the scold's bridle?
✔ With blockchain technology. For the first time in human history we have the power to end our slavery to those who issue the money.
Yes, we can overcome our addiction to using dollars and euro. We can help our local merchants and farmers to break free too.
Do they enjoy being forced to pay high credit card fees on every sale they make? And compound interest on their business and farming loans?
Who do they owe that debt to? And our national debt, who do you and I owe that to? The same guys who print the money! How insane is that?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If we do not break our addiction to the ease of bankster money, then...
We stay shackled and pay the power elite to fit a scold's bridle over our head.
Will we let the banksters control us? Or will we take control of our money?
❤ The book is available today at Amazon
Or see how to read it for Free at: