Hi….my name is Merryl and I’m a mother and grandmother who wants everyone to know the energetic wonder of eating living foods.
Today I have a message from one of your organs!
Ola! This will probably surprise you … but I am the overlooked organ that ‘controls’ your health…
In fact, I’m the "middle man" for almost everything that happens in your body - and every organ and system in your body is affected by me.
I alone am responsible for over 500 biological functions that keep you alive on a daily basis, including ...
Neutralizing lethal toxins
Fighting off infections
Balancing blood sugar
Supporting thyroid health
Storing essential nutrients
I could go on and on, but the truth is...
You can't live without me. Can you guess who I am?
I'm your LIVER - and I really hope you’ll discover how to take better care of me.
I am constantly under attack by …Â
Eating sugar and artificial sweeteners
Drinking alcohol
Smoking tobacco
Eating processed foods
Eating non-organic produce filled with chemicals
Consuming too many artificial colours and flavours
Taking over-the-counter or prescription drugs
I work hard - every day - trying to keep you safe from unwanted toxins.
If I could talk, you would hear … feed me these ….
This gift eBook reveals the best teas, juices, smoothies and soups that can clean up a clogged liver - so you can look and feel years younger and enjoy more energy.
Healing ourselves, healing the world :)
To a Life of Love & Laughter,
Merryl @ GreenSmoothie.com
P.S. Download your gift eBook today and get access to Jonathan Landsman’s "Fatty Liver Docu-Class'' on now:
[IMAGE] [alt text: --Today's gift]
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